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  • Writer's pictureSam Bilhorn

How to Achieve Your Land Management Goals with the Right Forestry Approach


Now that your plan is ready (Planning with Purpose), it’s time to go to work. Whether you're working with a forester or logging professional or tackling the project on your own, having a clear idea of what you want for each section of your land will give you an advantage.

Hinge Cut

Choosing the Right Approach for Your Forestry Project

It's important to tackle the major work first, as the heavy machines can destroy any corridors or detail work and you can be left with a mess. For bigger projects, there are various cuts you might consider, depending on your need. Here are a few approaches you may discuss with your forestry professional when you get ready to make it happen:

Harvest cuts:

  • Regenerative or Clear-Cut: Starting over and encouraging new growth.

  • Seed Tree Cut: Like a clear cut but leaves a few trees for producing seed.

  • Shelterwood Cut: Even more trees are left vs. a seed tree cut. This approach is good when trying to reproduce trees with heavy seeds, such as oaks.

Maintenance work:

  • Release Cuts: Taking less desirable trees that overtop desirable trees.

  • Weeding: Taking less desirable or competing trees away from the base of a desired tree. This also helps influence the composition of the stand moving forward.

  • Thinning: Like release cuts but less selective on species, this helps the remaining trees grow more productively.

Hinge Cut Section of Forest


Seeking guidance from a forestry professional can greatly simplify the process of land management and expedite your desired results. By working with the right professionals, you can effectively achieve your goals and maintain the health and productivity of your land. In the next article, we will explore different ways to collaborate with professionals to ensure the success of your land management project.



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